Sunday, February 16, 2020

Human Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Ecology - Essay Example According to various studies undertaken regarding food consumption within the U.S, approximately a third of the total calories are obtained through junk foods (Adams, 2004). This can be associated with the elevated cases of obesity among the U.S populace. Conversely, LDC for instance Haiti depend on indigenous diets that often offer diverse nutrients thus providing balanced calories for the populace. However, the diets that LDCs obtain have little animal-related food sources, although the small amounts meet biochemical demands (Molnar & Iva, 2000). In return, the populace has managed to maintain proper health, thus reducing cases of diseases for instance obesity within its populace. Diets often vary with reference to regions with rural diets being healthful matched with urban diets. Urban diets are deprived since families depend on junk foods while rural families take up traditional diets that are considered superior. Though wealthy communities have most options regarding their diets; they often misuse these options and opt to take up the least nutritious meals or take up excessively. The diets vary with regard to economic capabilities, lifestyles and regional preferences. Diseases have an impact both at individual and societal levels since certain diseases may be communicable. Additionally, once a disease affects an individual, the society suffers since it cannot obtain the services that the individual offers within the community or other economical contributions. Therefore, diseases affect both the individuals together with the community that this individual serves. Currently, inadequate water supply has hit most regions across the globe threatening to trigger disease outbreaks commonly related to sanitation. These diseases may include cholera that has profound impacts on individuals together with the populace. Additionally, numerous disease

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Information system - Essay Example (BBC 2008) Technology implies something scientific in a broader definition of the word. But for the commercial and industrial world, technology means information technology – an all embracing term that cover all aspects of information systems, technological or not, within a business. The initial funding of 300 million euros for the European Institute of Technology in Budapest is a testament to such fact and the institution prioritizes IT project along with renewable energy. (BBC) The BBC report highlighted that in pooling the expertise of universities, research bodies and businesses, the institute will play a prominent role in the European Union’s strategy of promoting jobs, growth and competitiveness. Because of what it does, technology is crucial to business. There are two main reasons: First, without effective use of technology, an organization cannot sustain any competitive position and, secondly, technology-driven innovation becomes the only viable route to long term growth. In integrating information technology, for instance, to the overall business strategy, the ability to lower cost and make profits are enhanced. It plays a vital role in corporate success because it enhances business strategies by making their execution faster, more efficient and effective, and more responsive to customer needs and market conditions. Just as the BBC report cited in this paper highlighted for us, technology is no longer solely an opportunity for companies; it has become a requirement and standard in order for them to