Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Using Sglt 2 Inhibitors With Insulin Essay - 729 Words

USING SGLT-2 INHIBITORS WITH INSULIN IN TYPE 2 DIABETES: CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS Mathew John, Deepa Gopinath Introduction Diabetes and its complications account for significant healthcare costs in developed countries. The control of hyperglycemia forms the cornerstone in managing diabetes. United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) has shown that improving blood sugars can result in reduction in onset of retinopathy, microalbuminuria and neuropathy. Follow up of the subjects in UKPDS after 10 years have shown a distinct improvement in outcomes like mortality, microvascular disease and macrovascular disease in subjects who were intensively controlled. Various classes of oral anti diabetic agents, insulin and GLP-1 agonists form the armamentarium against hyperglycaemia. Despite the availability of these agents, the overall control of hyperglycaemia remains suboptimal. Sodium linked Glucose Co- Transporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors form a new class of agents that act on the kidney by competitively blocking the SGLT-2 channels. These agents are approved by FDA to be used as monotherapy or in combination with Metformin, Sulphonylurea (SU), Pioglitazone, or insulin. The ADA practice guidelines have added SGLT-2 inhibitors as the first add on to Metformin along with other drugs like SU, Dipeptyl Peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors, thiazolidinedione and basal insulin. SGLT-2 inhibitors also finds a place as a second add on drug after 2 of the other drugs areShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Type 2 Meta Analysis1011 Words   |  5 PagesDiabetes Type 2 meta-analysis Abstract Objective To compare treatment options of type2 diabetes. In reference to this a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials, observation-based studies and published information was carried out in an attempt to investigate the difference of efficacy between pharmacologic treatment in Diabetes type 2, specifically the newer oral class known as the SGLT-2 Inhibitors. Research designs and methods A literature search was conducting using the keywordsRead MoreThe Effect Of Empagliflozin ( Jardiance ), An Inhibitor Of Sodium Glucose Cotransporter 2944 Words   |  4 Pagesempagliflozin(JARDIANCE), an inhibitor of sodium–glucose cotransporter 2, in addition to standard care, on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular risk. Background According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), more than 371 million people across the globe have diabetes and this figure is predicted to rise to over 550 million by 2030. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the hormone insulin is not used effectively by theRead MoreDiabetes : The Most Common Type Of Diabetes2258 Words   |  10 PagesDiabetes is an endocrine disorder characterized by elevated glucose due to insulin resistance or deficiency. About 29.1 million people in America are reported to have diabetes with the highest prevalence occurring in men; about 25.9% of adults 65 years and older have diabetes.1 Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is the most common type of diabetes, often due to insulin resistance. Metformin is the treatment of choice in patients with T2DM, a second agent such as a sulfonylurea is added to metformin in patients

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Burden Of Overweight Shifting Poor Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

Background: Overweight and fleshiness prevalence has increased globally ; nevertheless, current prevalence and tendencies of fleshy by societal category in low- and middle-income states are unknown. Methods: Repeated cross-sectional, nationally representative informations from adult females aged 18-49 ( n=556,352 ) in 41 low- and middle-income states were used to find the prevalence of corpulence ( body mass index a†°?25 ) at each study moving ridge by wealth quintile and educational attainment ( individually ) . The SES-specific prevalence difference and prevalence growing rate for each state were compared for the lowest and highest SES groups. We will write a custom essay sample on Burden Of Overweight Shifting Poor Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Linear arrested development estimated the association between state wealth and fleshy prevalence growing. Consequences: In the bulk of country-years the highest wealth and instruction groups still have the highest age-standardized prevalence of corpulence and fleshiness ( 97 of 111 entire country-years ) . However, in about half of the states ( 21 of 41 ) , the additions in fleshy prevalence over clip have been greater in the lowest SES group compared to the highest SES group. Higher country-level Gross Domestic Product per capita ( GDP ) was associated with a higher fleshy prevalence growing rate for the lowest wealth group compared to the highest ( aGDPper capita/1000= 0.24 ; 95 % CI -0.015, 0.46 ) . Decisions: Presently, higher SES groups have more fleshy than lower SES groups across most developing states. However, half the states show a faster growing rates in corpulence in the lowest Selenium groups, declarative mood of an on-going displacement in the fleshy load toward lower SES groups. Across states, this displacement toward faster fleshy growing among lower wealth groups is associated with higher GDP. ( Word Count: 250 ) Introduction Low socioeconomic position ( SES ) is associated with higher rates of chronic disease in high-income states 1-4. In lower-income states, chronic disease has merely late go a prima cause of morbidity and mortality 5, and less is known about the societal patterning of emerging chronic diseases in these contexts. In the yesteryear, corpulence was comparatively uncommon in lower-income states and was positively associated with SES 6. However, the prevalence of corpulence has increased dramatically in many lower-income states around the universe over the last 5-15 old ages 7-9. As the load of nutrition-related disease has shifted toward overnutrition 10, it is unknown whether the load of these emerging diseases is going comparatively heavier among lower SES groups. Recent cross-sectional grounds suggests that in the bulk of lower-income states wealthier groups have a higher odds of corpulence. However, within-country clip tendencies of the fleshy prevalence for high and low socioeconomic position groups have non been reported. Changes in the fleshy prevalence over clip by socioeconomic position group are of import for understanding which groups are sing an increasing load of corpulence which can assist expect emerging forms of disease. ( ? ) Based on ascertained relationships in higher income states and on the documented relentless associations between low socioeconomic position and the prima causes of disease in many contexts, experts have hypothesized that the load of chronic disease in lower income states will finally switch toward lower SES populations within these states ( believe I can mention yach and popkin, possibly others look at concluding disseration chapter ) . Brazil is one of the few middle-income states in which alterations over clip in the SES-specific fleshy prevalence are available. Nationally-representative informations between 1975 and 2003 indicate that, among adult females, the lowest income groups have experienced much more rapid additions in fleshiness prevalence compared to highest SES groups 11. Among the two most thickly settled parts in Brazil, the fleshiness prevalence in the lowest income group has really surpassed that in the highest income group 12. Such a form of alteration in SES-specif ic fleshiness rates is consistent with a switching load of fleshiness to the hapless. Similar forms have been reported among adult females in urban countries of sub-saharan Africa ( ref? ? ) †¦ Merely with faster fleshy prevalence growing rates for the low SES groups could the relationship between high SES and overweight finally go opposite in states with antecedently positive relationships. On the other manus, there is research to propose that higher SES populations in lower income states will go on to bear the largest load of chronic disease. In India†¦ Additionally, economic dazes frequently affect nutrient security and can go forth populations with the lowest socioeconomic position most vulnerable to inadequate nutrition in these circumstances.13 ( seek to happen some scientific rating of this, might get down by reading Sen article ) . Merely with faster fleshy prevalence growing rates for the low SES groups could the relationship between high SES and overweight finally go opposite in states with antecedently positive relationships. Such a displacement of the load of fleshiness to low SES groups in states come oning through epidemiologic passages would be consistent with the cardinal cause theory of disease ( 11, 12 ) . This theory is frequently invoked to explicate wellness disparities and high spots the overall persistance of the relationship between SES and hapless wellness over clip, despite alterations in the T ( 1, 11, 13-15 ) . Brazil is one of the few middle-income states in which alterations over clip in the SES-specific fleshy prevalence are available. Nationally-representative informations between 1975 and 2003 indicate that, among adult females, the lowest income groups have experienced document within-country clip tendencies for growing in and, higher entire fleshy prevalence? ? ? ? is from the Demographic Health Surveys ( DHS ) , which are nationally representative family studies administered chiefly in low- and middle-income states ( henceforth referred to as lower-income states ) . The studies entail repeated cross-sections and roll up information about cardinal demographic features, birthrate, contraceptive method, wellness and nutrition. The DHS questionnaires are standardized to enable cross-country comparings 21. Since our primary involvement is in the clip trends in fleshy prevalence we included merely states that measured anthropometrics in at least two study moving ridges. beginnings that include anthropometric informations on at least two perennial steps over clip. The bulk are from Demographic Health AAdditionally, s 22, 232425 ) . Wealth and instruction were used individually to stand for SES. To stand for wealth, we used the DHS wealth index, which is derived from a chief constituents analysis ( PCA ) of some assets that were asked in all DHS studies, every bit good as some country-specific assets 26. The wealth index was used to make country- and year-specific quintiles of wealth mark, which were used as a categorical variable in the analyses. Education was categorized based on the educational mileposts: no schooling, primary, secondary, third school. If less than 2 % of the population fell into any one of the instruction classs, that class was combined with the following closest class to avoid unstable estimations. Results Age-standardized fleshy prevalence was determined for each wealth and instruction group in each state and in each study twelvemonth and SES ( wealth or instruction ) group. Sample weights to account for complex study design were used in all analyses. Analysiss were conduced individually by: 1 ) wealth quintile, 2 ) instruction group. Our results of involvement were 1 ) the difference in fleshy prevalence between the lowest and the highest wealth/education groups for each study moving ridge ( prevalence difference ( PD ) ) , and, to measure clip tendencies, 2 ) the annualized difference in the net alteration in fleshy prevalence between the first and last study moving ridge for the lowest and highest wealth/education groups ( annualized difference in fleshy prevalence alteration rate ) . To cipher the prevalence difference for wealth quintiles, we subtracted the prevalence in the highest wealth quintile from that of the lowest wealth quintile ( Overweightlowest- Overweighthighest ) in each study wave in each state. A positive corpulence prevalence difference would so bespeak that the lower wealth quintile had a higher prevalence of fleshy compared to the higher wealth quintile. To obtain the annualized difference in the fleshy prevalence growing rates between wealth quintiles, we took the difference between the net alteration in fleshy prevalence in the highest group and the net alteration in the lowest group ( Overweightlowest, lastwave- Overweightlowest, firstwave ) – ( Overweighthighest, lastwave – Overweighthighest, firstwave ) . A positive difference in prevalence growing rates indicated the lowest wealth quintile had a higher rate of prevalence growing rate than did the highest quintile. We repeat these analyses for each state by instruction group, classified by educational mileposts, lowest being no schooling and highest being third school. SES was represented by wealth and instruction, in separate analyses, to research the hardiness of the consequences to different indexs of SES. For DHS states, we used the DHS wealth index ; it is derived from a chief constituents analysis ( PCA ) of assets that were asked in all studies, every bit good as some country-specific variables 2727 Potentially do age-standardization as sensitiveness analysis merely. Make 90 % CI and site Davey-Smith article 27 619 1128 2930 14 19 hazard factors for obesityrisk factors for 1. Phelan JC, Link BG, Diez-Roux A, Kawachi I, Levin B. â€Å" Cardinal causes † of societal inequalities in mortality: a trial of the theory. J Health Soc Behav 2004 ; 45:265-85. 2. Antonovsky A. Social Class, Life Expectancy and Overall Mortality. The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 1967 ; 45:31-73. 3. Adler NE, Boyce T, Chesney MA, et Al. Socioeconomic position and wellness: The challenge of the gradient. American Psychologist 1994 ; 49:15-24. 4. Marmot MG, Smith GD, Stansfeld S, et al. Health inequalities among British civil retainers: the Whitehall II survey. Lancet 1991 ; 337:1387-93. 5. WHO. The universe wellness study 2003: determining the hereafter. Geneva: World Health Organization ; 2003. 6. Sobal J, Stunkard AJ. Socioeconomic position and fleshiness: a reappraisal of the literature. Psychol Bull 1989 ; 105:260-75. 7. Popkin BM. The World Is Fat: The Fads, Trends, Policies, and Merchandises That Are Fattening the Human Race. New York: Avery-Penguin Group ; 2008. 8. Popkin BM. Global nutrition kineticss: the universe is switching quickly toward a diet linked with noncontagious diseases. Am J Clin Nutr 2006 ; 84:289-98. 9. Popkin BM, Conde W, Hou N, Monteiro C. Is there a slowdown globally in fleshy tendencies for kids compared with grownups? Obesity ( Silver Spring ) 2006 ; 14:1846-53. 10. Mendez MA, Monteiro CA, Popkin BM. Overweight exceeds scraggy among adult females in most underdeveloped states. Am J Clin Nutr 2005 ; 81:714-21. 11. Monteiro CA, Conde WL, Popkin BM. Income-specific tendencies in fleshiness in Brazil: 1975-2003. Am J Public Health 2007 ; 97:1808-12. 12. Monteiro CA, Conde WL, Popkin BM. The load of disease from undernutrition and overnutrition in states undergoing rapid nutrition passage: a position from Brazil. Am J Public Health 2004 ; 94:433-4. 13. de Brauw A. Migration and child development during the nutrient monetary value crisis in El Salvador. Food Policy ; In Press, Corrected Proof. 14. Link BG, Phelan J. Social conditions as cardinal causes of disease. J Health Soc Behav 1995 ; Spec No:80-94. 15. Link BG, Phelan JC. Understanding sociodemographic differences in wellness — the function of cardinal societal causes. Am J Public Health 1996 ; 86:471-3. 16. Phelan JC, Link BG. Controling disease and making disparities: a cardinal cause position. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2005 ; 60 Spec No 2:27-33. 17. Miech R. The formation of a socioeconomic wellness disparity: the instance of cocaine usage during the 1980s and 1990s. J Health Soc Behav 2008 ; 49:352-66. 18. Chang VW, Lauderdale DS. Fundamental cause theory, technological invention, and wellness disparities: the instance of cholesterin in the epoch of lipid-lowering medicines. J Health Soc Behav 2009 ; 50:245-60. 19. Monteiro CA, Conde WL, Lu B, Popkin BM. Obesity and unfairnesss in wellness in the underdeveloped universe. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2004 ; 28:1181-6. 20. McLaren L. Socioeconomic position and fleshiness. Epidemiologic Reviews 2007 ; 29:29-48. 21. DHS Model Questionnaires. Measure DHS Macro International. ( Accessed at hypertext transfer protocol: //www.measuredhs.com/aboutsurveys/dhs/questionnaires.cfm. ) 22. DHS. DHS Guidelines for Interviewer Training: Measure DHS. Macro International ; 2000. 23. Indonesian Family Life Survey. ( Accessed Janurary 10, 2010, at hypertext transfer protocol: //www.rand.org/labor/FLS/IFLS/hh.html. ) 24. WHO/FAO. Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic DiseasesReport of the joint WHO/FAO expert audience. Geneva: World Health Organization ; 2003. 25. Ahmad O, Boschi-Pinto C, Lopez A, Murray C. Age standardisation of rates: a new WHO criterion. Geneva: World Health Organization ; 1999. 26. Rutstein SO, Johnson K. The DHS Wealth Index: Measure DHS, Macro International ; 2004. 27. Appropriate body-mass index for Asiatic populations and its deductions for policy and intercession schemes. The Lancet 2004 ; 363:157-63. 28. Ziraba AK, Fotso JC, Ochako R. Overweight and fleshiness in urban Africa: A job of the rich or the hapless? BMC Public Health 2009 ; 9:465. 29. Du S, Mroz TA, Zhai F, Popkin BM. Rapid income growing adversely affects diet quality in China — peculiarly for the hapless! Soc Sci Med 2004 ; 59:1505-15. 30. Monda KL, Gordon-Larsen P, Stevens J, Popkin BM. China ‘s passage: the consequence of rapid urbanisation on big occupational physical activity. Soc Sci Med 2007 ; 64:858-70. 1. How to cite Burden Of Overweight Shifting Poor Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Desdemona the Modern Woman in the Classic Play Essay Example For Students

Desdemona: the Modern Woman in the Classic Play Essay William Shakespeare is the magician of language: his well-built plot and embellished dialogue lead readers into his virtual but reality-reflected world. Among many of his plays, Othello is one of the best tragedies which reflect the deepest nature of human beings: jealousy and love. In spite of its high quality as a masterpiece, many modern people are afraid of reading the original texts by Shakespeare because of its language; they tend to believe that Othello or any other Shakespeare plays are too classical in terms of both language and plot that modern people would not feel any sympathies toward. However, many readers found it surprising that Othello is rather modern especially in terms of social role of woman illustrated in Desdemona. Shakespeare portrays a woman who refuses to accept the socially expected arranged marriage by her father in his play Othello. Many literary critics assume that Othello is written approximately in 1603. During that era, the biggest virtue of women was the obedience: the obedience to their parents, their lords. The Scottish protestant leader in sixteenth century, John Knox, stated, Woman in her greatest perfection was made to serve and obey man (12). Women were not supposed to hold any personal opinions but to automatically follow the orders from their parents even for their marriage. However, Desdemona, the female protagonist, is a highly passionate woman who even stands against her father, Brabantio, in order to obtain her true love as many other modern women would do: BRABANTIO I pray you hear her speak. If she confess that she was half the wooer, Desturction on my had if my bad blame Light on the man.-come hither, gentle mistress. Do you perceive in all this noble company Where most you owe obedience? DESDEMONA My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty. To you I am bound for life and education. My life and education both do learn me How to respect you. You are the lord of duty. I am hitherto your daughter. But heres my husband. And so much duty as my mother showed To you, preferring you before her father, So much I challenge that I may profess Due to the Moor my lord. (I.iii.202-218) Although she is obedient and respectful of her father for what he had provided for her, she is brave enough to choose her own husband who is worthy of reverence at the same time. If she was a woman who passively accepts her social duty as a daughter of nobleman, she would have given up her love toward Othello and marry one of her wealthy suitors that her father chooses for her. However, as smart as she is, she excuses herself with the situation her mother went through-preferring her husband before her father-to justify her behavior in the most reasonable way. After all, Desdemona is a profound and strongly independent lady who has chosen her own destiny. In addition, Desdemona, who is always loyal and faithful to herself as well as to her husband, stands strongly against her insane husband Othello to defend her rights as an individual. Unfortunately, the love between Desdemona and Othello seems to break down when Othello completely falls down to a devilish trap of Iago. To arrogate a place of Othello as a general, Iago installs a huge trap to all characters that eventually leads to the tragic ending. As a part of the trap, Iago successfully deceives Othello that Desdemona has an affair with Cassio, the lieutenant of Othello. Later, when Othello falsely accuses her of cheating on him in front of Lodovico, Desdemona states, I have not deserved this (IV. i. 268). Although she still looks up him as her lord, she does not completely give up her rights as a human being and accepts everything her husband does to her. Rather, she tries to correct Othello when he conducts any unjust actions to any individuals including herself and Cassio. .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b , .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .postImageUrl , .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b , .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b:hover , .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b:visited , .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b:active { border:0!important; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b:active , .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u809f325228382b9b63a4feda2ab15e5b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A woman killed with kindness - A monologue from the play by Thomas Heywood EssayDESDEMONA Alas the heavy day, why do you weep? Am I the motive of these tears, my lord? If haply you my father do suspect An instrument of this your calling back, Lay not your blame on me. If you have lost him, I have lost him too. (IV. ii. 51-56) In above excerpt from the play, Desdemona clarifies that Othello cannot blame others for what he chose to do. She also makes sure that she is willing to take a full responsibility for what she has done. Although Desdemona is a faithful Christian during the Elizabethan era when womens not being obedient to their husbands was regarded as a crime, she tries to amend Othellos behavior to enlighten him on an equal treatment of women and men. Last but not least, unlike Othello who easily turns his back and seeks for revenge toward his believed-to-be unfaithful wife, Desdemona keeps loyal and respectful of herself and husband although her foresight predicts the tragic ending of her love: DESDEMONA Alls one. Good faith, how foolish are our minds! If I do die before thee, prithee, shroud me In one of those same sheets. EMILIA Come, come, you talk! DESDEMONA My mother had a maid called Barbary. She was in love, and he she loved proved mad And did forsake her. She had a song of willow, An old thing twas, but it expressed her fortune, And she died singing it. That song tonight Will not go from my mind. [I have much to do, But to go hang my head all at one side And sing it like poor Barbary. Prithee, dispatch. (IV.iii.23-35) The above expert foreshadows the incoming doom of Desdemona. She tells Emilia that she wants to die with the wedding sheets and indeed at the end, she dies on the bed with those same sheets. Besides, she now sympathizes with Barbary who encountered with tragic ending because of her proved-to-be-mad love. However, her remaining faithful toward Othello is not exactly being passively obedient to her husband; rather, she acknowledges her responsibility of abandoning her own father to obtain her proved-to-be-mad love and that she is trying to take a responsibility for what she had done. When Iago lies about the relationship between Desdemona and Cassio, Othello believes what Iago told him without filtering. His blind love distracts him from being conscious. On the other hand, Desdemona remains loyal and defends Othello even after Emilia suspects of Othellos insanity and disbelief toward Desdemona since she is responsible enough not to blame others for what she chose to do. Therefore, Desd emona proved herself to be as responsible as other modern individuals. In conclusion, in his tragic play, Othello, William Shakespeare illustrates a woman who is fully responsible for herself and independent as an individual as contrary to other Elizabethan women at that era who were raised to believe that they are inferior to men, thus, followed their orders. Desdemona chose whom she married to, stood against any unequal treatments toward her and took entire responsibility to her behaviors. Therefore, although Othello is classified as classic literature, in terms of role of women in this play, the play contains many modern factors that even current readers can easily feel sympathy toward.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Political Violence During Reconstruction Essay Example

Political Violence During Reconstruction Paper Political Violence during Reconstruction; makes it obvious that in many ways the struggles of getting along were far from over. The relationship between the white man and black man was In constant turmoil, and the political problems In the South did not help either. Harsh feelings and an extensive struggle for power was the problems which the united States faced. Many often think of the United States as peaceful after the Civil War was over, but this is far from the truth. Hyde shows how evident it was that unity of this nation was far from being reached. The carpetbaggers were northerners who supposedly carried all their belongings in a satchel made of carpet material as they came south to exploit the defeated region of the South. The white Southerners gave them this degrading name to them because they wanted to maintain control in the South. The old ruling aristocracy believed that they were born to govern, without question, not only their slaves but the white people too. The local people who supported the Republican Party and what they were trying to accomplish were known as scalawags. Scalawags and arbitragers were the names given to those by the white people in the South that wanted to keep running things their way. They did not want things to change. They had a lot of power and control not wanting anything to happen to It. One can only imagine the harsh feelings In the middle of these translators after the Civil War. Along with these harsh feelings came the problems with the lower-class Louisianan in dealing with the planter elite. The lower-class Louisianan wanted to create equality between them and the planter elite in their state. They felt that wings were not fair and change was needed for the better of society. We will write a custom essay sample on Political Violence During Reconstruction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Political Violence During Reconstruction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Political Violence During Reconstruction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They were encouraged to reassess their fealty to these planters. Through newspapers and other ways these Louisianan felt that they needed to raise their own crops and be independent from working under these planters. However, these elite planters presented themselves as victims of tyrannical outsiders who sought not to create equality between them but to make the lower class more dominant In order to make them serve the lower classes needs. The lower class may have wanted to know what It was to be served, or they really did Just ant to have an equal opportunity at life. This proved unsuccessful because of the power and resources the elite planters had already obtained. Another struggle for power resulted in many Florida parishes along with other parts of the country almost immediately after the war was over. Freedmans Bureau agents under the federal government, Federal soldiers, and blacks all suffered attack after attack from anyone who wanted to. Shootings and stabbings were very frequent and almost nothing was done about them. Local law enforcement that tried o do anything about it resulted in utter failure, and many times it was laughed at. Insufficient manpower and a slow-moving bureaucracy were so slow to get a case together to prosecute somebody, many other Incidents had already occurred. People that were taken to court were usually let off with absolutely no charges no matter what had happened. Federal authorities were not respected because It was literally a joke to take seriously. They could not enforce any laws because of its vast weakness. With the weakness and lack of any federal and local authorities, two independent ND separate white supremacy organizations were created. The UK Klux Klan and the Knights of the White Camellia were the two major white supremacy organizations. Each group functioned separately with its own set of methods and even purposes. Reports of these groups started to circulate in the late asses. Members of the UK Klux Klan were so obsessively secret that nobody knew for sure if they even existed in some places. Members of the White Camellia openly admitted their existence and even denied any knowledge of the UK Klux Klan. Both of these organizations believed they needed to preserve the superiority of the white race. The purposes of these organizations did differ greatly. Members of the Knights of the White Camellia committed their lives to defending the social and political superiority of the white and in all places to observe a marked distinction between the white and African races. The UK Klux Klan believed that they must not only make a distinction, but also meet any problems with the black race with death as a traitor. The Klan was more violent than the White Camellia. The White Camellias members ere usually looking to keep leadership in the hands of whites. They controlled a lot of political seats and made up much of the business and professional class. The Klan was mostly younger men who were known as characters who drink and do what they want. Through all of the fighting and struggles that had been going on since the Civil War, many were starting to get used to the idea of fighting as a means to solve their problems. They did not necessarily cause an increase in the amount of fighting internally as a whole for the future, but did cause certain aspects of life to be more seed to the fact of violence. The argument could go either way, but overall influence of fighting in the future did not affect it that much. Through the writings of Samuel C. Hyde a person really get a grasp of what went on after the Civil War. Problems that were thought to have been solved as soon as the war was over resumed for many years to come. The constant struggle of power mainly of the white men led to so many problems and even death in many cases. One can really get a grasp of the true struggles that went on shaping our nation into what it is today.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Where to Get a Writing Critique

Where to Get a Writing Critique Where to Get a Writing Critique Where to Get a Writing Critique By Maeve Maddox From time to time, I receive emails from writers, asking me to critique attached poems or short stories. In the early days, I would send a polite reply, explaining that I hadn’t time to critique their work. Now I simply delete the email and attachments and get back to my own writing. The DWT Contact page states the policy that our writers don’t answer questions via email. Critiquing a manuscript of any length is time-consuming. Time is the most precious possession of a working writer. Asking another writer, especially one with whom you have no personal acquaintance, for a free critique is the equivalent of asking a stranger for a gift costing anywhere from $300 up. I have arrived at this figure by browsing the sites of professional critiquing services. Rates are based on word-count, number of pages, or some combination of the two. One service that specializes in science fiction, fantasy, and horror charges $300 for the first 20,000 words and $15 per every 1,000 words thereafter. Another service offers a flat rate of $260 for the first 50 pages, but applies a per-page rate thereafter. A manuscript of 100-199 pages is priced at $6 per page; from 100-199 pages, $4 per page. A manuscript of 200 pages is priced at $3.75 per page. Paid critiquing is neither a practical nor sensible solution for the beginning writer. Such services are for writers who have already done everything they can to improve their drafts with whatever help is available to them without an outlay of cash. On the other hand, writers need the feedback of other writers. What’s the solution? Where can beginners find suitable readers for their early drafts without an outlay of cash? First, they must be willing to critique the work of others in exchange for critiques of their own writing. Ideally, they will find another writer or writers in their own vicinity. For example, I belong to a writer’s critique group whose members live within a radius of about thirty miles. We meet weekly, varying the meeting place so that no one has to drive the farthest distance every week. Not every group is a good fit for every writer. In approaching an established group, writers need to evaluate the writing level and interests of the members. Some groups specialize in different genres. Not every group critiques poetry or illustrated children’s books. Not every group is made up of beginners. A group of published writers may not be the best choice for an unpublished writer who is still struggling with basics. A good place to find kindred writing spirits is your local public library. Browse the bulletin board. Ask the reference librarians if they know of authors in the area. Writers who can’t find other writers locally can look for critique partners on the Web. Here is a starter list of five sites that offer help in finding a partner: Kingdom Writers An email critique and fellowship group for Christian writers. Ladies Who Critique Ladies Who Critique  is a critique partner-matching site for writers of all levels – â€Å"published, unpublished, aspiring, hobbyists, even closet writers or complete newbies!† Nathan Bransford This free writing forum offers a thread devoted to connecting with a critique partner. Poetry-Free-For-All This site boasts 23,000 members â€Å"of all skill levels† and is described as â€Å"a non-stop online poetry workshop for beginners and experts alike.† Participants must agree to offer at least three critiques of others’ work for each poem submitted. Quantum Muse This site is for writers of â€Å"science fiction, fantasy and alternative writing and artwork.† It offers the opportunity of publication. Membership is free, but participants must complete three critiques of the work of others before receiving permission to submit. Scribophile This free site is for writers of all skill levels. Members exchange detailed critiques. Reciprocity is a must. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureLatin Plural Endings6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know

Friday, November 22, 2019

An overview of US economy

America An overview of US economy The economy is the most important indicator to judge the internal living conditions and social development of any country. It provides information about the development of basic factors like health, education, happiness, infrastructure, living standard, etc. United States is one of the largest economies that has gained huge level of hold on the world economy and controls the world economy through its internal situation. The very interesting fact about the Americas economic growth is that Americas GDP is 26 % of the worlds total economic output. It is clear that US has created its powerful industrial structure and per capita income is also appreciable inside the country. The industrial development is tremendous, and the country has worlds maximum number of a billionaire. Currently per capital GDP of US is $49,800 which is very high. Further, the role of technology within the US economy is also remarkable. Technologically the US has seen highest advancement and development that is suff icient enough to grow the economy as compare to other countries. The external economic factors put the positive impact at each another and lead towards the growth of the economy and the internal economic environment. The US economy is mostly based upon the capitalist economy structure, and the ideology suggests that the privatization is the basis of growth and development of countrys economy. The government has their intervention into only health sector and transportation area. The country has maximum number of private companies who are successful and have earned huge profits all across the world. Even the government buys the required products from private companies. This economic ideology is highly success in US and ensures the proper flow of income and effective utilization of natural resources. The decision making is in the hands of private firms in the US. Here the private companies faced the high level of leverage of such kind of economic structure in expanding their business a nd taking the decisions appropriately. The technological areas have brought down the revolution in entire world and America has become the pioneer of such advancements. The aerospace, computers, communication and information technology, medical, military, etc. these are certain areas where US have surpassed all other countries and have effectively contributed well into economic development. These sectors have become the foundation of countrys rapid growth in oversees as they expand their business and fulfill their needs. IN 90s US has transformed their entire economy as the industrial set up was on the peak and the companies were performing well at international level. While 90s the growth rate was extremely high as the economy grew by 3 4 percent every year. The residents of the country get their own home that was the positive indicator for US economy. After 1975, the household income has been increased by 20 %, and it is something that creates confidence among the people towards the US economy. But another fact is that the people who had less technical skills and educational qualifications they face trouble in establishing their growth in the era of technology. They found obstacles in facing pay rises and other benefits at work place. It determines the unequal distribution of wealth and employment opportunities. At the same time, the US economy has faced huge level of growth in literacy ratio. To meet out the requirement of technology people started to get educated and it just raises the level of employment within the country. Thus, the technology works positively in the long run and negatively in the short run. But its negative consequences are negligible as compare to the positive results. Unequal distribution of wealth is another factor that could be realized in US economy over the recent past or industrial development time. Th e people who dont have good education the employment opportunities are less for them, and it created less earning opportunities. Now the contribution or the role of oil is very significant in US economy. It is to acknowledge that 55 % of total consumption is the oil only. The America imports such huge amount of crude oil for the consumption of residents. The rise in the prices of oil just create a burden on US economy and reduce the GDP growth rate. During 2001 to 2008 the petrol prices were not so stable, and it just create trouble for US economy to handle the situation. At the same time, the financial crisis took place in the entire world and America faced two major problems. One was dampening the housing market, and other was related to the rise in oil prices. It just created the trade deficit and most importantly the value of the dollar was depreciated as compare to other currencies. The fluctuations become very common scenario, and it creates trouble in handling the economic st ructure. Another problem that America started to face is related to high import ratio as compare to export. The US has plenty of natural resources, but most of them have been utilizing for inside consumption. There was very less export, and it just stuck the internal flow of money and capital. The infrastructural development was on the peak that is another indicator for healthy economic structure. Still the infrastructure development of US is appreciable and increasing year on year. The bankruptcy of banks like Lehman Brothers was the worst era for US economy where they found trouble in managing the mortgage prices, investment failures, credit failures and so on. At that time, US faced a high level of issues with respect to their economic structure. The reason behind the economic recession is the socially huge spending habits of people and low saving ratio. It was the actual scenario of US that people earn less, but they spent more than their earning. For the same purpose, banks issued more number of loans, and the amount was so high thus it creates the negative flow of money within the economy and it just lead towards the economic recession. Other than this the expenditure upon the security of the country from outside attack is something that has affected the US economy negatively. The country spent billion dollars every year to protect their territory or boundary. Developing the military equipment and weapons has become a priority of US government, and it just affects the US economy negatively. Various plans have been implemented with respect to ensuring the low level of the trade deficit. The fiscal stimulus for the amount of 787 billion dollars was something that was passed by the president to be used for social welfare and economic structure repairing process. It helped in generating the job, revenue for the country through various processes. The economic structure come into trouble as the US government put their leg into wars with Iraq and Afghanistan and were in search of terrorist groups and their leaders. It also affects the GDP growth rate in recent past. The impact of terrorist attack took place at world trade center could be realized after a long period. The US government faced lots of issues with Iraq and Afghanistan in resolving the problems. It has been estimated that by the 2011, the total cost for wars was near to 900 billion dollars which are very huge amount from economic growth perspectives. Improving the health care se ctor is another prioritized area for concern for US government. To stabilize the US economy and to pass the benefits of American citizens, the government has put various efforts. However in future there are certain problems which could be faced by the US government like lower income people, unemployment, low saving ratio, rapid increment in the pension and medical cost of old age population, energy-related issues, problematic relations with other countries, pressure to create employment, budget deficits etc. Very latest economic data represent the consumer price index at stabilized rate of .2 whereas the unemployment rate is 5.5 percent. Further, the GDP rate is also increasing with an increasing rate and has been reached to 16.77 trillion US dollar. Currently, the US government needs to improve their international relations and have to focus on basic economic components or sectors. They need to grow the agriculture sector and need to increase their export ratio of natural resources. The infrastructure development is required to be maintained within the national economy. Funding to an international organization is required so that the interest could be received, and this long term investment can strengthen the base of US economy. Ahead the openness within the economy is required to be minimized so that the benefits of selling goods internally could be transferred to local manufacturing firms. Other than expenditure on war and acquiring the weapons there is need of spending on social welf are and creating the investment opportunities. The US economy is still very powerful and highly diverse economy, and they have control on worlds economy. The private companies of US have created their reign all over the world and have put a hold on worlds industrial development. They need to perform well on the continuity basis and need to contribute for national welfare rather than individual growth and development. Thus, the US economy has brighter future if the government removes their attention from wars or spending on manufacturing military equipment and spending excessively on security matters.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Law of tort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Law of tort - Essay Example ill be obliged to pay damages for a breach of duty of care and the Court will not question whether or not the defendant has acted in a justifiable manner. On the other hand in a case of no fault liability, it is possible that a victim may not receive damages for the harm caused if there has been a good justifiable reason for the wrong that has been perpetrated on the victim. Bearing these factors in mind, there are two avenues that Ron could consider in recovering damages in tort. On the one hand, he could bring a tort for negligence and breach of duty of care on the part of Nurse Emmanuel, and/or hold the owners of the property, i.e, Rapidbuild, responsible for his injuries under Occupier’s liability. Both the options are discussed in detail below, in order that Ron’s parents may opt for one or both the options. There is no doubt that Ron can indeed bring an action in tort, because for such an action to be actionable, some harm should have been suffered due to a wrongful act and Ron may be able to prove both of these. The Occupiers Liability Act of 1957 imputes liability upon owners for premises that they may own, including fixed and immovable structures on it1. The fence on the land would therefore qualify as immovable property upon the land owned by Rapidbuild. The Company will be deemed to be the occupier in this case, because it is owns the property and is also in a position whereby it can exert a sufficient degree of control over the premises. Although Ron and Kevin would be deemed to be trespassers for purposes of this Act, there will be recourse available for the children. Prior to 1972, occupier liability was limited, for example in the case of Robert Addie and Sons v Dumbreck2, where a child died but Lord Hailsham limited the liability of the occupier, especially towards trespassers, when he stated that an occupier would be liable only â€Å"where the injury [was] due to some willful act involving something more than the absence of reasonable

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Humman Genome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Humman Genome - Essay Example One of the larger societal issues raised by prenatal genetic testing is its limitations. Although the process makes it possible for one to assess genetic risk and diagnosis, there are tests that fail to show possible genetic mutations. Many of these tests require the families involved to make difficult decisions, something that might be all for nothing if the tests do not have predictive value (Hodge 68). The ethical issue here is the uncertainty related to these tests, some of which are not reliable enough to produce the required results. Another ethical concern is that some of the screening tests may provide false negative or false positive results (de Jong, DonDorp and Die-Smulders 276). This means that an expectant mother who receives the wrong results may not seek for proper medical assistance if it is needed. However, if there is credible reason for conducting prenatal testing, then parents should be allowed to test for disease susceptibility genes. In some families, there could be conditions that are genetic, and this is one of the reasons why parents should conduct prenatal testing (Hodge 68). If there is no medical history of genetic conditions in the family, or if there is no danger of the baby being born with defects, then there is no need to subject one to lengthy prenatal genetic testing. Too much of this testing could cause unwanted stress to the mother, and may affect the well being of the baby. Basic prenatal checkups are enough to ensure that both the mother and the unborn child are safe. Several insurance companies have attempted to control the pricing of their premiums based on their customers’ genetic information. This has presented a huge problem for people seeking insurance cover but may have genetic problems which they found out through genetic testing. Many people who have undergone one form of genetic

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Presentation of information Essay Example for Free

Presentation of information Essay Here is various data which I obtained from the 2001 West Finchley census that is based around the demography of the area. This data will help me to make conclusions about potential customers, levels of income etc. I have converted some census data into graphs and kept some as tables.  From this graph taken from the census data, it is clear that the majority of people living in Finchley Central are aged 20-64. From this data, Coffee Republic has a good age gap to provide coffee and other beverages to potential customers. However, there is still a high amount of 5-19 year olds, so they may need to provide an alternative for the younger people instead of coffee, such as a sandwich or juice. The most popular mode of transport that employed residents use here is the train via the underground station. This is very significant for Coffee Republic as the underground station is very near to the site where the possible Coffee Republic would locate. This would mean that Coffee Republic could be able to obtain many customers from the underground station as a lot of employed people would be leaving the station to go home in Finchley Central. This table acquired from the census, shows us what percentage of the residents in Finchley Central are economically active. There are a lot of employed people shown in this data, which can provide the possibility of customers, as the employed have more disposable income to spend on such indulgences that Coffee Republic provides. From the table above, I can see that 18% of people in Finchley Central are classed in the large employer, higher managerial/higher professional group. This information tells me how much possible disposable income potential customers may have by looking at their economic classification. By looking at this group in particular, it can show that this group of people have a high amount of disposable income as this group is associated with high paid jobs such as doctors, lawyers etc. From gathering this information, it can help to make a decision on pricing, as Coffee Republic will need to set a pricing strategy that will suit its target market. This table shows that 10% of people in Finchley Central work from home. This indicates that this class of people may not have a lot of disposable income to spend on luxuries, which can mean people in this category may not visit the potential Coffee Republic. This would mean that Coffee Republic may need to set a low price for their quality products to appeal to this set of people, as this category of people may not earn a lot of money compared to those in a high professional role. Data from upmystreet: This map shows data which I have collected from www.upmystreet.com. It lists the ten surrounding coffee shops in Finchley Central, which may prove to be potential competitors to Coffee Republic. This can help me to pick out which of these competitors would be a threat to Coffee Republic. From the competitors map I can see that there are a large number of competitors surrounding the potential location of the new franchise. This data shows me whether locating a new franchise would be a sound business decision as a large number of competitors could be detrimental to Coffee Republic. On the contrary, the map shows that the competition is small scale businesses e.g. local cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s, which could mean that locating a franchise there would eliminate them, due to the reputable name and brand that Coffee Republic has built up. The Coffee Republic franchise process:-  This flowchart shows the processes and steps involved in creating a Coffee Republic Franchise. Possible franchisors will always look to these steps when considering creating a new Coffee Republic franchise. I obtained this information from the Coffee Republic franchise pack from the Coffee Republic website.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Scrolling Textures :: essays research papers

Scrolling Textures: Creating Flowing water. By Stupendous Man! First I would like to introduce scrolling textures since they haven't been addressed very well. I have obtained all the information I am sharing through trial and error and through dilegent searching of the web turning up pieces of the puzzle here and there. Now the infamous scrolling texture. First of all you have to have a texture in your wad file that has the word "SCROLL" as the first six letters. The rest can be what ever you please. (I read somewhere that you couldn't have an underscore but torntextures.wad uses one so I would imagine it works. If you don't feel like screwing with it just name your file without an underscore.) For this tutorial I am using "torntextures.wad" that is in the cstrike folder, and I am using the "scroll_water" texture that is 176x176 (I read also that scrolling textures can only be a certain size... but I haven't had any problems.. so experiment.) Note: Steps correspond with the Numbered Circles in the Pictures. Step 1: Select your texture using either the browse button or the pull down. "scroll_water" is selected. Good. Step 2 and 3: Click on the "Block Tool"(step 2) select the object type (step 3) and create your Block, or brush for that matter. I happend to make mine a rectangle 224W x 112l x 1h. It doesn't matter what the size is, as long as it fits your needs. It can be a cylinder, wedge, block, etc. Doesn't matter. (note: the more faces the more fun it will be to configure the directions. So be advised to stay away from a bunch of faces.) Step 4, 5 and 6: Click on the selection Tool.(step 4) In the 3D view or one of the 2D ones, select your brush.(step 5) Click the "toEntity" Button(step 6) Step 7: This menu will pop up when you complete step 6. This is the properties of the object. since we are tying it to an Entity this is where we choose the type of entity it will be. Step 8: This step is how we get our water to scroll. The class of our entity needs to be a "func_conveyor" from the pull down select this. (click to enlarge) Step 9: Now we are going to focus a few settings only within the Object Properties box. Starting with the "Render FX". I leave this normal. Step 10:

Monday, November 11, 2019

Haas and Flower Reading Response Essay

â€Å"If readers construct the meaning of texts, how does information transmission work?† Through constructing the meaning of texts, a reader can interpret and summarize chunks of writing into something that is already processed by the reader. Personally, I know that if I begin reading a piece of text that I have never researched or learned in the past, obviously I cannot make an information transmission. On the other hand, when I read a piece of material that I’ve learned in the past, it helps me to fully interpret and think critically on the topic. If a reader can complete a create a connection between past learning and the newer topic, the reader can construct a personal judgment or opinion. The reader’s thesis is then developed and the reader can fully absorb and accomplish what is a â€Å"good read.† â€Å"What kinds of knowledge did you bring to this article that helped you make sense of it?† The information I brought to the article was really a collection of teachings I received through high school. The knowledge to re-read text if I don’t fully comprehend the author’s point. Also the ability to stop and evaluate the text to figure out what Haas and Flower were trying to explain. I received fairly intensive English courses in high school, from which I was able to transmission my past lessons to the text Haas and Flower presented. Without trying to sound repetitive, I was able to pick apart phrases of the text that I simply didn’t understand, even by rereading, and use the context to help make snese of the wording Haas and Flower use.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Marketing and Woolworth

What you have to do For this assignment, you are required to: Research into an organisation that you are familiar with Collect relevant information for use in completing the tasks of this assignment To perform the tasks satisfactorily, you need to conduct extensive secondary research using search engines, the useful websites in the Appendix of OTEN learning resources and any other relevant sources of information. This assignment continues from Assignment 1. You may need to refer to Assignment 1 to complete the following four tasks.Suggested response length: 8-10 pages Tasks Task 1 (25 marks) Describe the implementation of a recent marketing program or a marketing plan of the organisation. You are required to describe broad and specific action programs (what, when, who and how) with reference to the marketing mix elements. Woolworth is a retail primary activity in supermarket and has a portfolio business which is similar to wesfarmers, like BIGW, petrol and liquor stores bonds, it is a big huge range of consumer favourite brands.It is a big competition industry and need a cost leadership implementation plan for the company to success and achieve their mission and goals. in Sydney . Woolworth company has the board ,of directors act in behalf of share holders in supervising. And managing is to planning and managing a good plan for marketing to be always the company to be a fresh food people. the implementation plan for Woolworth is to focus on some areas in company like water , sourcing, packaging, waste and green stores plus challenges and opportunities to way forward including our target . he measurement of our environmental by rhe mission from farm to market , from market to distribution centre, from distribution to store from store to home . the sustainability strategy for Woolworth to give the importance issue to the business feedback reciving from stakeholders . woolworth commitments, policies and performance details on our corporate responsibility in Woolwo rth website. This strategy will help to make environment issues with the work that Woolworth mangemnt are already doing around the economic and social impact for the company . Working group to develop Woolworth strategy to energy and green house . sustainable transport targets ,waste, packaging and water. The groups come from all different places of the business to establish the implication and practical consideration behid the commitments and targets * http://www. woolworthslimited. com. au/icms_docs/130514_Doing_the_Right_Thing. pd Rom Marketplace, Shareholders, government suppliers, customers Workplace Employee Environment CO, energy, water, waste, resources, biodiversity To create a trade mark (brand, logo, etc. , and have it registered (protection of Intellectual property rights www. ipaustralia. gov. au) > product/brand manager > Consultation with company lawyers, external consultants and major stakeholders (if need be) > Registration on/before end of September. 2. The product should be available for despatch to retailers by the end of December * Product : Woolworth has a modern organization focus on marketing efforts on their customers to give the consumer a health and fresh brand to use on their good brand , Woolworth management has a new product call whatMacro Wholefoods it is a market brand organic for almonds and semolina and walnuts ec†¦ macro organic the new range of products has a gluten free and that is very safety and healthy for any family in health issues . who Woolworth manager proud to bring macro wholefoods in market. Woolworth is a big local business employer of more than 192,000 people and committed their own suppliers , producers and manufactures. there is board of directors in Woolworth this board role is to represent and serve interests of shareholders by overseeing and assess value and quality of the company .Management board to take responsibility and right decisions across the company brand . what to buy what to brand is good for marketing in Woolworth companies . how Woolworth limited managers are best Australian organised and trusted for the good brand and fresh brand by with constantly checking if suite to consumer what is need to be in market how the quality should be and any effects for this kind brand what the effect should be a date on packaging when should be eating and when is ending date . packaging to be safety and good looking plus easy to use . very product should registered a trade mark for any new brand in market paid the fees for new brand and application to go through to completed . the consultation for the brand company will check if this new macro product will suit Woolworth production system . it is an enough f program for this macro product against any competition funding available to develop new macro product . ( peter mix page 259 ) when the product application start in 4/2/2009 and should be end it three month later around 4/5/2009 has to be ready for pricing and prepare to be in market .Determine and finalise the price list for retailers > marketing manager > based on info from sales people + industry info from MKIS, relevant macro-environmental Factors > price list ready for retailers on/before October 2. Determine pricing strategies > marketing manager > feedback from salespeople + Nature of product, marketing objectives, etc. > by the end of August Pricing : pricing is very important elements in marketing mix or any new product in market price should be clear to customer and also match the quality of the product . arketing manager for Woolworth will determine the price of the product by the cost and company position in market and what level of competition in market for this product . there is many competitors in pricing by auction markets there is many sellers to buy the product through the websites from different company . there is a costs , positioning and competition in each market that is why manager in Woolworth should depending in how and where mar ket the product price and what value . And understanding the customers and consumers better, to improving product according to their needs. t html http://www. woolworths. com. au/wps/wcm/connect/Website/Woolworths/Our+Brands/Macro Determine distribution strategies (selective, intensive, etc. ) > marketing manager + marketing/sales team > based on market coverage, competition, cost of distribution, etc. > on/before 30 September 2. Determine channel management strategies > marketing director > in consultation with marketing/sales people, relevant stakeholders, etc. gt; on/before 30 September http://www. woolworths. com. au/wps/wcm/connect/website/woolworths/abou What will be carried out? Woolworth called fresh food people has a good low prices for food and grocery all family need it in store , includes vegetable , meats , groceries items and packaged, liquor in different brand , petrol, general merchandise plus home improvement and hotels http://www. woolworthslimited. com. au/page/Wh o_We_Are/Our_Brands/ Who is responsible?Woolworth company has the board ,of directors act in behalf of share holders in supervising. Company supervising and managing is to planning plus managing a good plan for marketing * . there is board of directors in Woolworth this board role is to represent and serve interests of shareholders by overseeing and assess value and quality of the company . * Management board to take responsibility and right decisions across the company brand . what to buy what to brand is good for marketing in Woolworth companys .How it is done: Woolworth is a big local business employer of more than 192,000 people and committed their own business of many thousands local farmers, producers and manufactures. When it should complete: Promotion: 1. Salespeople to call on all retailers and secure orders for production > sales manager/sales people > develop a customer call plan that covers all sales territories + info from MKIS, etc. > before November 2. Develop a adver tising media schedule > advertising/marketing manager > based on ad budget, types of media options, etc. gt; by the end of November People: Physical process: Physical evidence: 4Ps or 7P depending on the nature of the products or services Task 2 (25 marks) Identify and describe two sales forecasting techniques that could be used by the organisation or in the industry. You can use two of the following sales forecasting techniques: Market build-up method Survey of buyers' intentions Composite of sales force opinions Expert opinion Delphi method Regression analysis or any appropriate techniques. Critically evaluate the two sales forecasting techniques.Task 3 (20 marks) Identify and describe four financial ratios used for measuring and monitoring the performance of the marketing program or the marketing plan of the organisation. Relate your discussion to any relevant marketing mix elements. Task 4 (30 marks) Describe five evaluation and monitoring control methods for the marketing progr am or the marketing plan of the organisation. You need to demonstrate your skills and knowledge of marketing metrics, financial metrics and benchmarking industry best practices based on reliable sources of secondary information.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Modern Look at the Plague of Athens

A Modern Look at the Plague of Athens The plague of Athens took place between the years 430-426 BC, at the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. The plague killed an estimated 300,000 people, among which was the Greek statesman Pericles. It is said to have caused the death of one in every three people in Athens, and it is widely believed to have contributed to the decline and fall of classical Greece. The Greek historian Thucydides was infected by the disease but survived it; he reported that plague symptoms included high fever, blistered skin, bilious vomiting, intestinal ulcerations, and diarrhea. He also said that birds and animals which preyed on the animals were affected and that doctors were among the most affected by it. The Disease That Caused the Plague Despite Thucydides detailed descriptions, until recently scholars have been unable to come to a consensus of which disease (or diseases) caused the Plague of Athens. Molecular investigations published in 2006 (Papagrigorakis et al.) have pinpointed typhus or typhus with a combination of other diseases. Ancient writers speculating on the cause of plagues included the Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen, who believed a miasmic corruption of the air arising from swamps affected the people. Galen said that contact with the putrid exhalations of the infected was quite dangerous. More recent scholars have suggested that the Athens plague arose from bubonic plague, lassa fever, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, measles, typhoid, smallpox, toxic-shock syndrome-complicated influenza, or ebola fever.​ Kerameikos Mass Burial One problem modern scientists have had identifying the cause of the Athens plague is that classical Greek people cremated their dead. However, in the mid-1990s, an extremely rare mass burial pit containing approximately 150 dead bodies was discovered. The pit was located on the edge of the Kerameikos cemetery of Athens and consisted of a single oval pit of an irregular shape, 65 meters (213 feet) long and 16 m (53 ft) deep. The bodies of the dead were laid in a disorderly fashion, with at least five successive layers separated by thin intervening deposits of soil. Most bodies were placed in outstretched positions, but many were placed with their feet pointing into the center of the pit. The lowest level of interments showed the most care in placing the bodies; subsequent layers exhibited increasing carelessness. The upper-most layers were simply heaps of the deceased buried one on top of another, no doubt evidence of a spike in deaths or a growing fear of interaction with the dead. Eight urn burials of infants were found. Grave goods were limited to the lower levels and consisted of about 30 small vases. Stylistic forms of the Attic period vases indicate they were mostly made around 430 BC. Because of the date, and the hasty nature of the mass burial, the pit has been interpreted as from the Plague of Athens. Modern Science and the Plague In 2006, Papagrigorakis and colleagues reported on the molecular DNA study of teeth from several individuals interred in the Kerameikos mass burial. They ran tests for the presence of eight possible bacilli, including anthrax, tuberculosis, cowpox and bubonic plague. The teeth came back positive only for Salmonella enterica servovar Typhi, enteric typhoid fever. Many of the clinical symptoms of the Plague of Athens as described by Thucydides are consistent with modern day typhus: fever, rash, diarrhea. But other features are not, such as the rapidity of the onset. Papagrigorakis and colleagues suggest that perhaps the disease has evolved since the 5th century BC, or perhaps Thucydides, writing 20 years later, got some things wrong, and it may be that typhoid was not the only disease involved in the Plague of Athens. Sources This article is a part of the About.com guide to the Ancient Medicine, and the  Dictionary of Archaeology. 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Monday, November 4, 2019

Explain the differences in similarities between french regional Essay

Explain the differences in similarities between french regional geography and the development of cultural landscape geography under the influence of carl sauer - Essay Example His argument that ‘human cultural action’ that shapes the visible features of earth’s surface through culture remains unquestioned. He said, culture provokes action, responses and adaptation by humans. â€Å"Culture is the agent, the natural area is the medium, the cultural landscape is the result. Under the influence of a given culture, itself changing through time, the landscape undergoes development, passing through phases, and probably reaching ultimately the end of its cycle of development. With the introduction of a different – that is an alien – culture, a rejuvenation of the cultural landscape sets in, or a new landscape is superimposed on remnants of an older one,† Sauer (1925), The Morphology of Landscape.† University of California Publications. French regional geography was the effect of external forces taking place in other spheres of France. As Sauer argued, French regional geography, like any other part of the world, showed every sign, every scar and mark of history and culture on it. The static growth of the rural areas during the long rule of monarchy, the chaos and the horrifying bloodshed during French Revolution, impact of Napoleonic wars and aftermath, success over the vast oceans, usurping new colonies and competing to retain them, struggling for supremacy amongst other European powers, wars faced by France, the various political, cultural, military, historical and economic upheavals of the country are etched on the French landscape over centuries. Sauer says (Northern Mists) that France lost most of her ports and her north and southwest regions were ravaged during the war of hundred years. Napoleon’s wars had left bitter memories in both France and Britain. The country’s culture altered after Frenc h revolution, and so did the French landscape. Newly attained colonies had left far reaching impacts on European nations. Use of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Last Healthcare statistics using Excel Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Last Healthcare using Excel - Statistics Project Example The law of diminishing marginal utility refers to the state that when an individual increases the consumption of a commodity and at the same time keeping the consumption of other products constant, there is a decrease in the in the marginal utility that the individual originates from consuming each extra unit of that commodity (Zubair & Habibah, 2011). The consumer surplus refers to the economic measure of a consumer satisfaction that is calculated by evaluating the difference between what the consumers are ready and able to pay for a good or service virtual to its market price (Zubair & Habibah, 2011). The case of a consumer surplus will probably occur when the consumer is ready and able to pay more for a given product or service than the current market price. The producer surplus refers to the economic measure of the difference between the value that a producer of a commodity receives and the least amount that the individual would be willing and able to accept for the commodity (Zubair & Habibah, 2011). Therefore, the surplus or difference is the benefit that the producer receives for selling the commodity in the market. When the number of producers increase in a market, the supply will automatically decline due to the excess suppliers who are will and able to supply goods and services. The price of supply will also fall. Advancement in technology will create a rise in supply because relevant information on where to supply next will be easy to know. An increase in technology leads to an increase in supply. This is a non-price