Saturday, May 9, 2020

Terrorism And The World s Leading Issues - 1577 Words

Terrorism is an unofficial and unauthorized use of extreme violence, force and intimidation in the pursuit of political and religious gain. Throughout the 20th century, terrorism is among the world’s leading issues. The reason for its existence can be found from the roots of imperialism and its injustice. Today its momentum and actions have many violent, devastating and deadly effects throughout the world. The terrorists that drive this fear are perverse Islamic fundamentalists. Muslim fundamentalists believe that the Qur’an should be interpreted literally and context, namely the time period and the social climate, cannot determine the texts interpretation and application. Extremists in this group advocate extreme violence in order to fulfil certain elements of the Qur’an. These extremist groups are numerous, however some are more notable than others. Al Qaeda, the terrorist group that had its formation in Sudan, before relocating to Afghanistan used the Qur†™an to justify the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. Similarly, the Taliban, the terrorist group who have control over Afghanistan have imposed harsh and crude versions of Sharia Law and twisted the Qur’an to suit their endeavours. Furthermore Isis, a Sunni group that aims to create an Islamic state in Iraq and Syria, have also extracted Quranic verses to suit their ideals and justify their premature taking of life. Overall, the misinterpretation of the Qur’an and the Hadith has led to the justification of terrorism,Show MoreRelatedTerrorism : A Global Issue Essay1749 Words   |  7 PagesAngela Brown Professor Miller English 112 13 Sept 2015 Terrorism Many of us will embrace our loved ones before leaving our homes to start a hectic workday. 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