Friday, May 22, 2020

The Right To Bear Arms - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 442 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/20 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Control Essay Second Amendment Essay Did you like this example? In the United States we have the Constitution it is like the Commandments in the Christian Bible, Quran or the Torah. God created 10 Commandments of divine rules that would govern their lives of his people to the right pathway. The Constitution was also written to set some rules and rights. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Right To Bear Arms" essay for you Create order There are 27 Constitutional Amendments but the first 10 amendments were written over 200 years ago. There is one particular amendment that is spoken and debated about to this day and that is the Second Amendment which states: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Some argue that this amendment protects our right to own a gun, but is not very clear. Over the years the second amendment has become a huge debate over gun control and gun rights. In recently there has been mass shootings in this country. Along with mass shootings, it has always had to deal with homicides and suicides with the hands of guns. This is a cause of all the gun violence this country has been facing for many years and they need a way to help prevent gun violence or even suppress the amount of deaths faced by these tragedies. Guns are responsible for thirty-three thousand deaths in the United States annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A person is killed by a gun about every 4 minutes, 90 people are killed in a average day and 634 are killed every week. In 2014, the CDC reported that 11,008 of the 15,872 homicides committed in the United States that year involved a firearm. Of the 42,826 suicides reported that year, 21,386 involved a firearm. That means gun violence is out of control, and anyone can be next. In fact theres been an increase of mass murders occurring everywhere due to guns. Which has brought the issue of gun violence in our nation. They say guns are for protection, but in reality there seems to be more murders associated with guns. There is an argument that its their constitutional right to bear arms, but others argue that there needs to be better gun control. Both side have strong debate opinions. People that want more control say that if only we regulated and banned guns like Europe there wouldnt be any more gun violence. Conservatives insist that its their constitutional right to bear arms, the right to own any and all guns without the government regulation. Gun violence has been increasing in our nation, as many i nnocent people had been killed. Since guns does no good for our nation other than kill the innocence.

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